Benepets BeneReef Coral Food

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BeneReef is not just a coral food. It's whole-biome nutrition perfected. The OG BeneReef is the first microbiomic engineered food on the market for the whole tank. Scientifically formulated with our patent-pending prebiotics and probiotics, beneficial bacterias, proteins, and superfoods to maximize consumption and absorption. Within 3-6 weeks of continuous use there will be a noticeable increase in coral growth, coloration, polyp extension, and feeding response. With continuous use, the whole tank thrives. 

What makes Benereef unique? 

  • Easy-to-mix and feed 
  • Pod friendly 
  • Nutrient-rich formulation for the whole reef: 3-3000 micron size
  • Feeds the nitrifying bacteria without clouding the tank
  • Proprietary prebiotic and probiotics 
  • Improves immune health 
  • Accelerates growth, color, and vibrancy
  • Promotes enhanced feeding response
  • Helps avoid some uglies
  • Increased microflora biodiversity 
  • It helps maintain healthier water levels
  • Designed not to overload nutrients


Salmon fish meal, Freeze dried plankton, Brine shrimp, Rotifers, Copepods, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Zea mays amylacea, Calcium powder, Astaxanthin, Arthrospira platensis, Garlic powder, Marine fish oil, Glycine max, and a special blend of natural superfoods, Benepets Proprietary Prebiotic and Probiotic blend such as but not limited to Lactobacillus, Saccharomyces, and Bacillus species.

Guaranteed Analysis

Crude Protein  25.5% min
Crude Fiber 44% max
Moisture 5.5% max
Crude Ash 5.0% max
Crude Fat 4.7% min

Total MicroorganismsTo learn more, check out the Science Behind Benepets (hyperlinked) section. Lactobacillus, Saccharomyces, and Bacillus speciesMin 1,000,000 CFU/g**Colony forming units per gram

40g - Ideal for ~3 months of use for nano to 40 gallon size tanks. 

80g - Ideal for ~3 months of use for 50-90 gallon size tanks. 

160g - Ideal for ~3 months of use for 100-160 gallon size tanks.


Feeding Guide

Given no two systems are the same, we recommend starting with 2-3 times a week. After a few weeks of monitoring your system, you can slowly increase feedings. You can broadcast or spot feed Benereef or by adding the rehydrated mixture to frozen foods. NOTE. Waiting is critical for the prebiotics and probiotics to rehydrate. Visible results could take up to 30 days.

Look for feeding response and polyp extension within a few minutes of feeding your corals. Overall, you’ll notice healthy, happy and plump corals after feedings. You’ll see cleaner water and healthy parameters. Because Benereef won’t cause cloudiness, your tank maintenance will be much easier.  After using Benereef for three weeks or so, you will see amazing growth and color in both your corals and your fish. Benereef can also help heal and regenerate damaged or stressed corals.


Tank Volume (Gallons) Amount of BeneReef and Tank water Stir and Wait Time
25 Mix ½ tsp of Benereef with 7.5 ml of tank water 3 minutes
50 Mix 1 tsp of Benereef with 15 ml of tank water 3 minutes
100 Mix 2 tsp of Benereef with 30 ml of tank water 4 minutes
125 Mix 2½ tsp of Benereef with 37.5 ml of tank water 4 minutes
150 Mix 3 tsp of Benereef with 45 ml of tank water 4 minutes
175 Mix 3½ tsp of Benereef with 52.5 ml of tank water 4 minutes
200 Mix 4 tsp of Benereef with 60 ml of tank water 5 minutes
300 Mix 6 tsp of Benereef with 90 ml of tank water 5 minutes
600 Mix 12 tsp of Benereef with 180 ml of tank water 5 minutes


Tank Volume (Gallons) Amount of BeneReef and Tank water Stir and Wait Time
25 Mix ½ tsp of Benereef with 15 ml of tank water 3 minutes
50 Mix 1 tsp of Benereef with 30 ml of tank water 3 minutes
100 Mix 2 tsp of Benereef with 45 ml of tank water 4 minutes
125 Mix 2½ tsp of Benereef with 52 ml of tank water 4 minutes
150 Mix 3 tsp of Benereef with 60 ml of tank water 4 minutes
175 Mix 3½ tsp of Benereef with 68 ml of tank water 4 minutes
200 Mix 4 tsp of Benereef with 75 ml of tank water 5 minutes
300 Mix 6 tsp of Benereef with 105 ml of tank water 5 minutes
600 Mix 12 tsp of Benereef with 295 ml of tank water 5 minutes